• Upcoming Markets and Exhibitions

    These delightful little pocket notebooks are coming soon to a market near you... Sign up for my email list to get more info closer to the time.
    Kaleidoskoop Market (Doxa Deo Kameeldrift Campus) - 31 Oct - 5 Nov

    EpicArts Christmas Exhibition (Newlands, Pretoria) - 30 Nov - 4 Dec

    Sign up for my newsletter 
  • DearDiary Planner

    Have you heard about my collaboration with the DearDiary planner yet? I'm so excited to share that my artwork is one of the cover options ("Vintage Spring"). I also have an artwork featured as a colour page at the start of each month! Available in A5 and A4, this is my favourite planner for sure!

    Shop Planners 
  • Only two workshops left for 2023...

    I'll be doing another Loose Florals workshop 5 November at the Kaleidoskoop Market, and then Summer Birds 12 November at Pretoria Products (Afroboer).

    Book your spot now so you don't miss out!

    View upcoming workshops